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Book Group
2025-03-27 18:00:002025-03-27 19:00:00America/New_YorkBook GroupA book discussion group will meet The Christopher J. Killmurray Building - Program Room 1AB
Thursday, March 27 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Add to Calendar2025-03-27 18:00:002025-03-27 19:00:00America/New_YorkBook GroupA book discussion group will meet The Christopher J. Killmurray Building - Program Room 1AB
A social group for adults who knit, crochet or do other fiber arts to gather & work on their projects in the company of others. Please bring your own materials. This is not an instructional class.
A gathering where artists and art lovers are invited to explore & discuss elements of fine art. All are welcome for these informal get-togethers co-sponsored by the South Brunswick Arts Commission.
Would you like to learn to knit or crochet? Do you have a "knotty" problem you need help with? Are you looking for a friendly group to knit or crochet with? Join us!
For this month's pop-in we'll be customizing Ramen with tasty toppings, to make a perfect winter treat. It's free, it's fun, and no registration is necessary. Just drop by! (While Supplies Last)
A social group for adults who knit, crochet or do other fiber arts to gather & work on their projects in the company of others. Please bring your own materials. This is not an instructional class.
Join us as we learn how to use Libby and Hoopla, our two eBook apps. We will learn how to search, place holds, edit your bookshelf, and how to read or listen to your books from your device.